Recently I decided to start replacing wheat flour with other types of flours (there are many) when baking. Not because there is something wrong with wheat, but as I bake quite a lot I thought it would be interesting to see how other types of flours change the recipe and taste.
So when I saw Kamut semolina I thought it would be a perfect new grain to start with. Kamut is a grain that has its origin in Egypt and it is only grown as an organic crop. It is relative to wheat but is richer in proteins, vitamins, minerals...
Kamut semolina is a bit more coarse and not as soft as wheat semolina, it reminds of polenta. It is rich and nutty in taste. I have also seen kamut flour and grains in the food store and will definitely try. Here comes my recipe for Kamut semolina pudding.
Kamut semolina pudding
1 litre milk
2 dl kamut semolina
1\2 tsp salt
3 tbsp sugar
3 eggs
zest of one lemon
1 vanilla pod
Cut the vanilla pod and scrape the seeds. Put the milk and vanilla pod and let it boil. Take out the vanilla pod, add kamut semolina and let it cook for about 5 minutes, stirring frequently, on low temperature. Add salt, sugar, vanilla seeds and lemon zest and let it cool for about 15 minutes.
In the meantime separate yolks and whites. Beat egg whites until stiff. Add yolks to the semolina and mix until well blended. Carefully add egg whites, pour in a buttered pan and bake at 200C for about 25 minutes. Serve with a favourite fruit sauce.